Stretch the Kitchen Lab Reflection

Lab Reflection 

My group decided to make brownie bowls filled with icing. The recipe we found was easy to follow and we had easy access to all of the ingredients. The outcome of the brownies was not what we had hoped for. They didn’t form a bowl and some of them were not cooked in the middle. The brownie batter tasted good though! When choosing the recipes we decided to add sprinkles and cinnamon into the icing. The cinnamon helped with the taste and if I was to make this recipe again I would include cinnamon in the icing. However the icing’s appearance was not appetizing because it was a liquid grey colour. The problem we had with the icing was we added sprinkles, then added the milk so all of the colour mixed together. In our unit no one was standing around doing nothing if there was a job to be done everyone pitched in. If I would make this recipe again I would use ice cream instead of icing for the brownies. I would also just skip to brownie bowl and just make it a brownie. I enjoyed this lab because I learnt more making up some of my own ingredients and it has taught me more things to remember while cooking.



Proportional Reasoning Review: Scale Factor

Unit 8 Review 

Question I  got wrong: 


What I did the first time: 

1 : 972.5

x :   4

=0.001             Then I cross multiplied

What I should’ve done was:  

1 : 972.5

4 : x


Then I need to convert the measurement so I divide by 100


Helpful Website:

Helpful Video:


Demonstrating proportional reasoning: Question that I got correct 

Similar Triangles:


First I redrew the triangles separately so now there are 2 triangles.

Next I take the area from the 2 triangles and write out the ratio

2.4 : 3

x : 8


Because it is asking how much farther up the wall will the ladder reach you have to subtract 6.4-2.4=4



Movie organizer

  • In what ways were the Black immigrants accepted or not accepted in Canada?
Accepted Not Accepted
Canada was a free country and owning a slave was illegal.

A lot of people felt bad and wanted to help out.

In Canada not everyone agreed and there was still some discrimination.

There was a separate school

Mostly the Black immigrants stayed together and had their own community.



Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above


(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Title: Twelve years of slave

By: by Northup, Solomon, b

Year published : 1968

Quote/Image: He was liberal to a fault; and his many acts of kindness and transparent goodness of heart rendered him popular in the community, the sentiment of which he unceasingly combated. He was a native to Canada.
Interpretation: A Native to Canada is trying to help a slave. The Native to Canada and the slave are becoming friends through acts of kindness.
How might this affect a character or a plot? Along the path to Canada the slave character will run into a Canadian person and together they help each other out and become good friends. They work together and will eventually become inseparable.

Movie Organizer part 2

Push Factors (In Ireland) Pull Factors (Canada)
Many British owned land and subdivided their lots so that each lot was not large enough to support a family. The effects of this were, you had to sleep with livestock, tried to grow potatoes wherever they could. If you don’t pay rent you get kicked out, first they gave them an eviction notice and if you won’t leave they will tear down the house. The police were the ones who forced the people out of their house. If the people still wouldn’t leave they either tore down the house of lit it on fire to make sure they had nothing to go back to They also kicked people out to re make for livestock.


Eventually the potatoes became rotten and started the potato famine. Because of their property being so small they couldn’t grow anything on it so they had find a job to make money and buy food because, they could no longer survive off of potatoes. Irish poor law act creates workhouses for the poor. Eventually the peents had to pay rent in grain.


Charles Darwin thought that natural selection drives evolution. He thought all Irish, British, and Africans looked a certain way to benefit themselves and when species breed beyond resources, more favorable variations survive. (Monogenist)


Herbert spencer believed that the survival of the fittest applied to society It exists if we remove charity race that is used to determine colonialism. The race was to used to justify exploitation of the lower class. (Polygenist)


To get to Canada they had to take a coffin ship. Many people in the coffin ship got sick and spread diseases. Going onto the ship there was a risk that you might die. On the coffin ship there were different levels for different class he Steerage was for the lower class and it wasn’t as nice compared to the upper class. Things were unsanitary and they had to put human waste in a bucket then throw it over board. Before going to Quebec they had to go to Grosse-ile to make sure you weren’t sick. A lot of people were sick so when they got there they died. Today there is a grave yard at the spot the Grosse-ile was located.


Many children whose parents died were adopted into French-Canadian families but their Irish names have lived on: Doyle, Murphy, Ryan, Johnson.


Religion was a struggles for the Irish. Quebec accepted the Irish Catholics into Quebec because they have the same religion. Outside of Quebec Irish Catholicism was frowned upon by the Protestant majority in other parts of Canada. And in Canada, citizenship was tied to the British Crown

was tied to the British Crown.


Find a quote/image that confirms any of the above


(author, title, year written/published, URL)

Source: The British Whig, 5 February 1847.

Title: The Canadian Press and the Great Irish Famine


That with the best-felt thanks to Almighty God for the mercies bestowed on us, the starving conditions of our fellow subjects on Ireland calls for our warmest sympathy and compassion; and that we endeavor with our humble tribute to alleviate their sufferings under the present calamity.


Interpretation: People are feeling bad for the Irish and they want to help. Word got out about the potato famine and everyone is feeling bad.
How might this affect a character or a plot? An Irish person is doing really bad on the farm and not making a lot of money. They are close to death and there last hope is the potatoes but when those too eventually die no hope is left. They hear about new beginning in Canada and start their journey to the new country.

Take home lab (Noodles and Rice)


Breakfast Fried Rice: Brown rice is cooked with bacon and onions. Then topped off with an egg and avocado.

Lunch: Pasta salad with grape tomatoes, Feta, and Mint.

Dinner Spaghetti: Boil spaghetti noodles and top it of with a tomato sauce. The sauce has ground beef, onions, green pepper, and diced tomatoes.








  Cooking the tomatoes in oil until the skins peel.


  Adding the rest of the ingredients together (mint, noodles, lemon, and feta.)

   Final Product

 A clean kitchen.

Directions How to make it:


  1. Heat large covered saucepot of salted water to boiling on high. Add orzo and cook as label directs.
  2. Meanwhile, in 12-inch skillet, heat oil on medium until hot. Add grape tomatoes; cook 5 to 6 minutes or until skins split, shaking pan occasionally. From lemon, grate 1 teaspoon peel and squeeze 1 tablespoon juice; set aside.
  3. Remove skillet from heat. Reserve 1/4 cup orzo cooking water; drain orzo. Add orzo and cooking water to tomatoes in skillet; stir in lemon peel and juice, feta, olives, mint, and 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper.