A place at the table

1. What are two examples of food insecurity identified in this movie? What were some of the ways in which the individuals involved coped with their predicament? Were they successful? Why or why not?

One family living with food insecurity has three working adults and two children and one family living with food insecurity has a single mother who is unemployed and two very young children. Even though these two situations are very different, the food insecurity that is shown is very similar. In the movie they talk about moderate food insecurity and marginal food insecurity. Some people in the movie tried getting full time jobs to help provide for their family’s more. But once they got a job they didn’t qualify for things that gave their kids lunches for school and other food sources. So I would say they were successful in one way but also unsuccessful in other ways

2. What specific demographics in our country might be more at risk of experiencing food insecurity? Why are they more at risk? Is there anything historical that might have caused this increased risk?

Household insecurity is especially high in Nunavut. Almost half the households are food-insecure. Due to job loss, low wages jobs, and high prices for healthy, organic foods such as fruits and vegetables. Families on social assistance are more likely and at more risk of experiencing food insecurity, they are more at risk because social assistance rates are extremely low so it is difficult to have enough money for things such as food, water, and housing expenses, especially when these things are so expensive nowadays.

3. What is your personal reaction to this movie? Did you have any preexisting ideas about food insecurity? Were you surprised by some of the information that was presented? Why or why not?

I wasn’t very surprised by a lot of the things that the movie covered. But I was surprised at the fact that these food insecurities aren’t only in third world countries but also in places like Canada. It made me feel really grateful for the fact that my family can afford to eat normal meals everyday and that we don’t need to really worry about things like not having enough money to put food on the table.

4. If you were in a position to directly or indirectly influence the issue at hand (such as a politician or policy maker) what would you do to help? What policies do you think could aid those that are hungry? OR What is a way that you could make a difference today? How would you go about making that difference and change?

If I was in the position to directly or indirectly influence the issue of food insecurity and I could do anything to help world hunger I would make foods like fruits and vegetables and organic healthy food less expensive. I think that more people should qualify to be supported by food stamps and helped to get more food-secure instead of food-insecure. I would make sure that people who are at risk of food insecurity have the right support that they need for their situation.