Week 2 – Precalc 11

This week in Precalculus 11, we learned about geometric sequences.

Geometric sequence: a list of terms in which each term is multiplied by a common ratio to equal the next term 

Term: a number (represented by “t_n“, “n” being the term’s place in the geometric sequence)

Common ratio: a common number multiplied by each term to equal the next term (represented by “r”)

Example: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16     r = 2

To find the value of a term in a geometric sequence, we use the formula t_n = t_1 · r^{n - 1}.

Example: Find t_{10}: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

t_{10} = ?     t_1 = 1     r = 2     n = 10

t_n = t_1 · r^{n - 1}

(t_{10}) = (1)(2)^{(10) - 1}

t_{10} = 1 · 2^9

t_{10} = 1 · 512

t_{10} = 512

This method of finding the value of terms in an geometric sequence is faster than extending the list.