I picked this resource because I believe that this is a very good depiction of what it means to be Canadian, and the struggles we have gone through, but have grown from. I agree with the author of the article, I feel she has covered a difficult topic with proficiency.
I think this is an accurate portrayal of what it means to be Canadian because I concur that being Canadian doesn’t mean being born in the country. You could be foreign to the country, move here and suddenly consider yourself Canadian if you feel that describes yourself. This reflects my perspective of Canadian identity because Canada isn’t what all the stereotypes say we are. We aren’t “a branch off of America”, nor are just “polite hockey playing Mounties who like maple syrup”. We are inclusive, purposeful and deliberately kind as the article says.
If someone from the early 1900’s saw this article, they would most likely view it as incorrect. That just goes to show that we have grown so much as a country since then, to be viewed as that now.
I chose this resource because I think all of the different people’s opinions on what it means to be Canadian, with different representation was very informative on what people apart from me think of the country.
This reflects my perspective of Canadian identity because being Canadian can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people, people who weren’t born here and even grew up somewhere else can be just as Canadian as a fourth-generation Canadian.
I think if someone from the early 1900’s saw this article, they would possibly be in disbelief that people actually feel this way. That shows that Canadians have progressed greatly in their way of thinking, and have grown immensely.