A few days ago I interviewed a young lady named Kristyn (better known to my family as Krissy). My family has known Krissy since my sister was almost 2 years old and I was a newborn. Having grown up knowing Krissy I’ve seen her in many different roles. For a few years we did swimming lessons together, she babysat us and took my sister and I on many day adventures. A few years ago Krissy took on a role that I believe has truly made her the angel she is today. As Krissy had previously worked (and continues to work) with my sister Kyla who has autism, a role at a gymnastics center for children with special needs seemed to be right up her ally. Krissy works at Club Aviva and is very passionate about building relationships with her clients. She explained to me how rewarding it is for her to watch the progress of her clients over time and ultimately being able to teach and model all that she has learned to the parents or guardians.
From left to right: Kyla (my sister), Krissy and Me (Kelsey) on one of our many day adventures
Advice from Krissy about finding a career working with children or youth with special needs : “If working with individuals with special needs interests you, then figure out what area of focus intrigues you the most. There are many different paths that you can take so figuring out what you are most interested in is important. Another word of advice- patience and flexibility are key attributes. You never know how your day is going to unfold”. However, Krissy stated how rewarding this field is and how much she loves her job.
A video of Kyla, Krissy and other members of Club Aviva singing and dancing
When I asked Krissy where she see’s herself in 10 years her answer was as follows: “In ten years I see myself running my own consulting company and helping families in need of support to build relationships with their children/youth with special needs”.
A visual of what the other half of the Club Aviva gym looks like
I chose to interview Krissy because she is not only someone who has an amazing job but is truly someone that I admire. She has always been an amazing role model for me and has inspired me to always push myself. I could truly see myself working along side Krissy in the future and learning from all of the amazing experiences she has uncovered. The Club Aviva logo
If you have any questions about Krissy or what she does on a daily basis she is able to answer them via email or phone. I have attached her email here : krissy@clubaviva.ca
For more information about Club Aviva and to take you to their website, you can click here.
A video Club Aviva created a few years ago focusing on Cerebral Palsy
Thank you for submitting your HCE (Health and Career Education) assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:
– Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
– Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog
Thank you,
Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
COL Teachers
It is amazing how you truly personalized this activity and made it meaningful for you. I think you would do a fantastic job working at Club Aviva or really anywhere you choose. Thanks for sharing a bit of your story here.
Thank you so much Mr. Robinson for taking the time to comment. I truly admire Krissy and everything that she does for my family so it was great that I was able to do this interview with her and show the world just how amazing she is.