Category: Grade 10
Staying Safe at Work
1. 3 things I will do to stay safe at work are… I will ensure that I have proper safety information and training received from proper instructor, I would always ask if I have any question. It is also important to make sure that I am working in a safe environment, I would look around my surrounding to make sure…
Public Broadcasting – “Comparison of public broadcasters”
Indigenous Podcast – “Uncover”
This podcast “Uncover”, is about a residential school survivor named Rev. Mary Battaja. Mary attended the Choutla Residential School in Carcross, Yukon. “Uncover” will reveal what happened in residential school, how Mary survived throughout the time and how residential school influenced her as a person and her life today. She tried to get rid and forget her past, traumas and continues living. While hearing Mary’s story, I feel deeply…
Future Lifestyles Infographic
Advertising Target Markets
In 2013, Extra created a commercial called “Father & Daughter” to promote their spearmint flavor gums. Their target audience is all ages, as people eat gums no matter what their age is. The story is about a father that uses gum wrappers to make origami swans for his daughter whenever they eat gums. It turns out the daughter kept all…
Black Mirror – “Memory Stamp”
Story Board Screenplay
Short Story to Internet Based Article – “Evil Robot Monkey”
A Monkey Robot Escaped During His Ride to The Exhibition Hannah Cheng Police are tracing a robot monkey named Sly, who had escaped while he was transferring to a robot exhibition this morning. A lab in California had done several experiments on monkeys. After many trials, scientists figured out how to change a monkey’s brain with the robotic chip, RC32-7892. A…
All About Me Project and Self-Assessment