January 22

Desmos Art Functions Card 2022


  • Choosing which equations to use was actually the simpler part. The idea of which equation to use just came to my mind when I saw which part of the photo I had to copy. I kind of went off by the principals of: if it has a curve, probably a quadratic or a radical function; if it is a straight line, probably a constant, linear, or absolute value etc.
  • However, the challenges came after choosing which equations to use. It was extremely difficult for me to be able to find the exact numbers in each equation to be able to copy exactly the same line at the same location. Additionally, when shading ellipses and sideways parabolas, it was very difficult to get it the first couple of times as I was not used to how it works; therefore, frustration arose because it didn’t work the way I wanted it to.
  • One of the more important ‘aha’ moments for me was the fact that I can just split up 2 quadratic functions at their maximum/minimum points and get 2 different slopes for them so I can get a “quadratic” which is steeper on the left and less steep on the right for example.
  • Mostly, I did the work myself, but I did get some help from my teacher, friends, and also YouTube. There are a lot of different sources on YouTube that really help how to easily get the correct function for a certain part, and there are plenty of tips on shading as well, which can make your task much prettier.
  • One strategy that I would suggest to future students that also have to deal with this assignment, is that to put all the shading folders above the outline folders because then, the lines will be “over top” the shading and will make the image 100 times better. Additionally, create your own colours because that is possible by inputting RGB codes. Visit the “Custom Colours” folder after you click on the link to follow along.
  • This assignment really helped me understand transformations because of the sheer repeated amounts of me transforming a simple function into a complex and unique function. Now I think I got a perfect understanding of it more and this really proved to me that even though one may not understand a concept, constant practice and repeated practice will really engrave it into one’s brain and you just get to get it because of how many times you’ve done it.