September 18

Digital Footprint

1 – How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

In the future when you do an interview for a job or some work, the people working there will search your name up and they will see if you have a bad digital footprint. If something pops up that is not the best content, high chance that they will not accept you. Also when you are being asked by the police because they think you are the suspect, you can be suspected even more if you have a bad past. So if you have a clean digital footprint, the police might suspect you less.


(Job Interview)                                                                                       (Investigation room)

2 – Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital appropriate and safe.

Do not post yourself doing bad things online so that everyone can see it. You’re the only one that is going to suffer in the future

Only use social media or the internet when you actually NEED it. Well you could play games or something but not something inappropriate or offensive.

Don’t be a part of the people who don’t do the right decisions at times. The more you spend time around those people, You will change and become one of them and you might not even know what you could do so always be extremely cautious of what you are searching and what you are doing.

(Use social media responsibly)

3 – What infromation did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I honestly think the technology as a distraction at times. Sometimes when a teacher is talking, I tend to look at my laptop. At my age I think technology in front of me is very hard not to touch because it is technology and I do like it because I could do almost anything on it. So except when I really need it, for example when I do homework or when I do class work, but when I don’t need it, I close the cover (It helps me at least) and put it to the side. It does me two things, I can listen well to the teacher and I can stay off the device because if my friend is beside me, I don’t know what I might search up without even knowing. I would say to other students to not go on their devices except when they need it because at this time of age, as an adolescent, you never know what you might do.

(Useful way of using technology)

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Photo 2 : (First photo)

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