I personally think that it is such a great opportunity to have the chance to participate and be involved in this process. Having a chance to interact with others across the world has already expanded my learning and my knowledge of light poverty in The Dominican Republic. Usually, when you need to get in contact with people you would text or email them, we had the chance to skype them. So far we have skyped with Eladio and Denis from the Dominican Republic, this chat took place on November 24,2016. They explained to us their situation of light poverty and living conditions. We learned that they get around 2-3 hours of light during the day. The next chat took place on November 29th, 2016 with Mr. Fogarty and his students from New Brunswick. He gave us very important tips and information on his process and we could positively succeed. The parts that have interested me the most has been the overall part of digital communication with people all over the world through Skype. This process has broadened my knowledge of life around the world and how I can make a difference one at a time.
My group’s plan is to help address/ raise awareness to light poverty in The Dominican Republic and around the world. Our main idea that we will contribute to the class is to fundraise an appropriate amount of money that can go towards helping our class/ fellow students actually create the lights, and in the long run making life just a little bit easier for those who suffer from extreme light poverty. So far we have just been planning several ways to raise the money, we have made a social media account on Instagram and twitter. (@engineeringbrightness, where we will be posting about upcoming important dates, and the progress we have made along the way.)
our groups’ ideas: (most ideas would take place at school)
- bake sale
- cake walk
- candy grams
- “how many jelly beans in the jar”
- collab with other classes in our school
we so far have just started to gather up references and contacts. We are hoping to be in contact with the rapid change teacher. We have shared the link to Mr. Robinson’s class needs (bellow), and hopefully, people will start reaching out and donating. We think that as a group one strong idea we could branch off of is to be in contact with the rapid change teacher and possibly some students, they could help us spread the word etc.
Here is the link to Mr. Robinsons “my class needs” account
I agree with you, I liked the skype calls too because we got to talk to other people from around the word. I liked your ideas of what to do to raise money and I hope we can accomplish our goals!