Week 11 – Solving Quadratic Inequalities

This week we took our midterm and started our fifth unit which is about solving and graphing inequalities. I learned a lot of new information this week, but I think what stood out for me was solving quadratic inequalities using a sign chart. I found it interesting because we will need to be able to […]

Week 10 – Midterm Review (Quadratics)

This week we finished our graphing quadratic functions unit and began studying for our midterm. Although we did not learn anything new, I did have to review certain sections of previous units. What I had to (almost) relearn / really think about was unit 3 chapter 5, when one must find the value of a […]

Week 7 – Discriminant

In week 7 we finished our polynomials unit with a test, but I still managed to learn something new. Although we only learned one new chapter of the unit, we learned about discriminants. I learned what the discriminant formula was and that it can help find the nature of the root.