French Revolution Essay

The French revolution went through brutal events but managed to survive, France inspired many other countries and have become what they are currently in present day. Major events and minor events occurred in the French revolution, some resulting with deaths of thousands and some changing the life in peasants forever, but the most important out of all the events would be the introducing a the declaration of rights and man, the war declared on Austria from France and the execution of dictator, Maximillen de Robespierre.

The Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen is a document that change the stage of France forever, it removed the 3 estates which means that nobles will now be called citizen and noble privileges were also removed which means that there are rich and poor citizens.  This document also carried the law to limit the power from government which meant that they don’t control everything for France but the citizens must have a say in it as well. All must be treated equally played a major role in the document, and citizens cannot be sent to jail until proven guilty which affects people who are sent to jail without any reason from the government another chance.

The Declaration of rights of man

Louis the XVI’s wife, Marie was afraid of France going any forward into the revolution.  Since Marie came from Austria she was promised help from her family and she asked for help and she decided to ask her brother for help, threats were going back and forth from France to Austria and eventually France declared war on Austria. Other countries were afraid of the path that France was going, many other countries joined Austria to stop France from the path its going.

France claiming victory at Decaux

The execution of Maximillien de Robespierre should’ve happened at the start of the reign of terror, he abused the declaration of the rights of man and adjusted the law to his ways. He played around with the law that a citizen must be proven guilty before they are executed and he made it really unfair for the people. He wrote names for who will be executed on a document for the next day but on one day he was about to announce the names for who will be executed but he didn’t bother doing so, the people that work for Robespierre thought that they were being betrayed by Robespierre. The government announce that he will be executed soon, once Robespierre got news that he will be execute he attempted to commit suicide but failed and just fractured his jaw with a misplaced shot. Robespierre was dragged to the guillotine and executed from there.

The execution of Mexmillien de Robespierre

France, known for the famous document, the declaration of rights and man, the war they declared on Austria and the execution of dictator leader Maximillen Robespierre. France inspired many countries around the world and are living with freedom and equality with a slogan of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”