Author: alhanz2016
A Child’s Bill of Rights This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
My Life’s Experiences
This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office. Click on each category to reveal the statements. To return to the home page, press the blue return button. If you are having trouble viewing the powerpoint, please click this link:
Controlling Government- English 11 Honours Project
The following project is very near and dear to my heart. I spent hours trying to perfect it as much as I can so I leave a nice legacy behind. My project is based on a controlling government and the day an individual got taken away because of the religion she believes in. It consists […]
Discussion 2: Psychological Lens
Alhan, Shaylyn, Rose, Izzy, Micole
Abusing Our Power-English 11 H
Click the link to access my whole project: How and why have you responded to, “The Crucible” in a personal, creative, and critical way? Immediately after we finished reading “The Crucible”, I decided to do my project on the abuse of power in our society. I wanted to create an Instagram page as my […]