Abusing Our Power-English 11 H

Click the link to access my whole project: https://www.instagram.com/abusing.our.power/ How and why have you responded to, “The Crucible” in a personal, creative, and critical way? Immediately after we finished reading “The Crucible”, I decided to do my project on the abuse of power in our society. I wanted to create an Instagram page as my […]

Grammar Talks -Sentence Fragments

A sentence fragment occurs when a sentence is missing one of the following components: A subject, a verb and or a complete thought. A sentence fragment makes sentences hard to understand because, without a subject, the reader would not know who the sentence is about. Furthermore, if there was no verb then the group of […]

Technology Paragraph

“Do you think we are too reliant on technology?” Technology is evolving every single second and creating new solutions to our everyday or advanced problems, therefore, causing humankind to become too dependent on it. In the video “Technology is replacing jobs. Are you ready?” it is said that in the last twenty years “Technology and […]