Making Babies- Science 10

This is my child Rosie Z, she has light brown skin, wavy hair and almond eyes. She has freckles on her cheek and short thick lips. She has a round face with a very prominent square chin. a. How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?  There is a 50% […]

Classifying Reactions Blog Post

This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online.In class we were asked to illustrate 4 different types of chemical reactions using a picture theme. I showed the examples using powerpoint! Notice how mass is neither created nor destroyed. The mass of the reactants is the same as the mass of the products.

Float Your Boat

While getting set up and syncing everything for class today, Ms.Kim introduced what we were doing in class today. We were told we would be given 1 piece of aluminum foil(20cm x 15cm),1 piece of masking tape (15cm), 2 toothpicks and 2 mini marshmallows. Our task was to create a boar that can float on water and will […]