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Five flours assignment


1.Bread flour

Bread flour is made entirely from hard wheat. The larger amount of gluten generated by this higher-protein flour helps bread rise higher. That’s because the gluten traps and holds air bubbles as you mix and knead the dough.According to What’s Cooking America, bread flour is the best choice for yeasted baking products, such as bread (hence its name). 

2.Cake flour

Cake flour is very finely milled from soft wheat. This variety has a low protein content. It’s also bleached.
The bleaching process alters the structure of cake flour’s starches and fats, resulting in a more acidic pH. The acidity actually helps cakes — and other baked goods with a large amount of sugar — rise instead of collapsing. Meanwhile, the low protein content ensures a tender and fluffy texture.
Cake flour is great for, well, cakes. But you should avoid it if you’re baking bread. If you need cake flour and don’t have it on hand.

3.Whole wheat flour

you make whole wheat flour by grinding entire kernels of red wheat.A wheat seed head has three portions: the germ, bran, and endosperm. White flour includes just the endosperm, not the bran and germ. But the bran and germ contain the bulk of the fiber and protein.
Because whole wheat flour has all three portions, it’s higher than white flour in nutrients and dietary fiber. Fine Cooking explains that the bran in whole wheat flour tears strands of gluten, thus inhibiting gluten development. Whole wheat is more absorbent than white flour.

4.Oat flour

It’s made from ground oats. Oat flour has a superfine, even fluffy texture. And its sweet flavor makes it “one of the most approachable ‘whole grain’ flavors.”
Oat flour is gluten-free and therefore perfect for people on a gluten-free diet. However, this variety can leave your baked goods heavy or crumbly. So you might need to add more liquid or rising ingredients to your recipe. You can find oat flour at the grocery store or health food store.

5.Self-rising flour

This variety is a blend of all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. You can definitely make it in your kitchen. Mix 1 cup of all-purpose flour with 1½ teaspoons of baking powder and ¼ teaspoon fine salt.

Recipes for breads, biscuits, and pancakes often call for it. Sometimes, you’ll also see it in cake and cupcake recipes. However, you shouldn’t use it in yeast breads. And unless you’re really in a pinch, you shouldn’t use it in place of all-purpose. If you did, you would need to reduce the amount of salt and baking powder in the recipe.

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