Shakespeare Authorship

i believe people care if it was Shakespeare or the other guy because then that would change all the teaching and playe by Shakespeare would have to be changed and it would lose a Lot of money for the books and the plays with his name on it. But I doubt that it wasn’t Shakespeare because the other guy died a few years before Shakespeare came along

Propaganda poster



Propaganda Poster
My propaganda poster is the same as the Obama poster except it has a pig on it it is meant to give . the barnyard hope against the humans It uses bandwagon, fear telling that humans will ruin the world hope and it will hype the animals to take out the humans it will also be using plain folks/animals and repetition because he wants people to have hope

the secluded lot












1) Exposition
Can I inquire about a lot the old man said [115]
2) Rising action
Id prefer a older location [115]
3) Rising action
Am I allowed [117]
4) Rising action
The contract can be worded worded to accord your wishes
5) Climax
How dare you operate a beehive in my cemetery [119]
6) Falling action
He sees the beehive
7) Falling action
He yells at the man
8) Resolution
I would like to buy another lot [121]


