Digital footprint

two strategies to have a good digital footprint

1. Keep your profile clean be nice on social media sites, treat people with respect, and read the post before you post it

2. Keep your profile so any people u know or trust can follow you so that random people can’t stalk you on social media

two effects of having a clean footprint

1. If you have a good digital footprint it will be much easier to get a job when they check your background

2. People will want to follow your social media sites if you have a good footprint and are nice to everyone on it and post positive post

share what you know

i would encourage people to have a good footprint because if you don’t it could affect your life like not getting jobs.



the secluded lot












1) Exposition
Can I inquire about a lot the old man said [115]
2) Rising action
Id prefer a older location [115]
3) Rising action
Am I allowed [117]
4) Rising action
The contract can be worded worded to accord your wishes
5) Climax
How dare you operate a beehive in my cemetery [119]
6) Falling action
He sees the beehive
7) Falling action
He yells at the man
8) Resolution
I would like to buy another lot [121]


