Cloud Project


First picture is a Cumulus clouds I took this picture on October 11, 2021. I think it is a cumulus cloud because it is detached, individual, cauliflower-shaped clouds usually spotted in fair weather conditions. The tops of these clouds are mostly brilliant white tufts when lit by the Sun, although their base is usually relatively dark.

second picture is a Cirrus cloud I took this picture on September 8, 2021. I think it is a cirrus cloud because it is short, detached, hair-like cloud and I found it at high altitude. These delicate clouds are wispy, with a silky sheen, or look like tufts of hair

Third picture is a stratus cloud I took this picture on October 20, 2020. I think its a stratus because it has low-level layers with a fairly uniform grey or white color. Often the scene of dull, overcast days

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