Humantites assignment


I believe that concentrating on the humanities is certainly not an illogical and pointless pursuit,  however indeed, fundamental for a sound society and majority rule government for a long time. Most importantly, concentrating on the humanities can be fundamental for reinforcing our reactions to many emergencies that might happen all throughout the planet. Furthermore, limiting access to healthy education may jeopardies people’s ability to think critically. Essay  , Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. Scott Samuelson “We should strive to be a society of free people, not simply one of well-compensated managers and employees.” I think he is trying to say that we are able to become who ever we want to be and study what ever we wont, we don’t have to become compensated manager or employees. As a society we should be learning and teaching each other more about humanities. The humanities allow us to think about the world from a variety of bigger and more diverse viewpoints than our own immediate and sometimes limited experiences. Understanding ourselves as imaginative, creative, artistic beings is the goal of the arts and humanities. In all fields, such originality and imagination can be found. Essay ,Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, “enrich and deepen the practical life of the city with the wisdom and imagination of the humanities.” I believe that it is very important to enrich and deepen the knowledge of people, to ensure that we are able to deal with important matters around the world. Human experience research adds to our understanding of the world. We learn about various cultures’ values, what goes into creating a work of art, and how history is formed via the work of humanities experts. Their efforts help us comprehend the world we live in and envisage the future by preserving the great achievements of the past. Liberal arts such as philosophy, history, religion etc. Are just as important as the trades/managerial jobs. Traditionally those pay well but liberal arts teach you how to be a free thinker and that’s very important in a democratic system, And some of those historians, philosopher, artists also make a good living. Tis about having a good balance in a society.

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