
The short story “There Will Come Soft Rains” written by Ray Bradbury, explores the idea of a dystopian society and Mother Nature vs. technology. I believe that even though we aren’t as technologically advanced as Ray Bradbury thought we would be, I think that the story suggests what our future could look like. I think that over the next few years our society will be moving in the direction of becoming completely reliant on technology even more so than we are now. Technology has been made to try and make our lives easier, but like the story, the technology we have now isn’t necessarily helping us. I think that it will make it harder for us to be independent in the future. I thought that the irony of the atomic bomb destroying everything, including the humans, but the technological house was untouched was intriguing because the house was built with hundreds of technological gadgets to help humans and yet they were destroyed by technology. In the end of the story, a large tree fell onto the house causing a fire to break out and slowly destroy the house. I thought Bradbury’s use of situational irony in how the house was so technologically advanced and yet it couldn’t put out the fire and save itself was fascinating, because it illustrated that Mother Nature may outlast technology and showed that She is continually more powerful. I believe that Mother Nature will forever be more powerful than technology because of the capabilities that She possess and that She is uncontrollable and unpredictable. She has the ability to create natural disasters that can destroy towns, buildings and the people that live there.

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