2 thoughts on “Philosophy and Math

  1. Are there still things out for humans to discover and can we ever discover everything? You raise interesting points about perceptions. We can’t help but have bias and values and beliefs that we take for granted. It’s cultural. We take these things to be true because they are they only truth we have known, but what if we lived in another culture. For example, we believe in the freedom of expression, the right to abortion, that everyone should have an education. Are these truths? Can you see the way you perceive the world? Has anyone any challenged what you believe to be fundamentally true? Can you identify your own values?

    Great job engaging in a philosophical dialogue.

    • I don’t think there’s really anything humans should discover – I think it’s one of those vital things that make us humans, our curiosity and penchant for discovery.
      I went on a volunteer trip to Kenya last summer, so I know a bit about cultural perception and bias. Our perceptions of “truth” tend to be based on our environment, and that’s not just a country-by-country thing. I think we can’t really see how we perceive the world because according to our biology, there is no other way to perceive that. Shrimp can see more colours than we do, but we physically cannot perceive that because it’s impossible to explain a colour that does not exist for you. I think I got a bit more scientific there, but philosophically, I think we should try to identify our own values, but also let those values be challenged. When someone asks me what I value the most, my answer changes every time.
      That was a really long reply! I really do like discussing this stuff. My parents don’t really have a lot of patience now for my theoretical and philosophical questions – I’ve been asking weird things for years.

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