HCE 9-English Write

The painting is about how residential schools changed and affected the first nations. The color in this image is important because it shows how they started to change and turn into the same people. It starts out colorful and beautiful but then slowly starts to turn grey and bland. Their clothes turn grey and then their faces. The lighting in this image starts out bright then starts to fade. They had all kinds of hairstyles and lengths but when it moves to the left you can see that their hair looks the same. Their hair is also cut short like what happened at the residential schools to the kids. The picture shows how they slowly take away their religion and culture from them. You can also see how their clothes have different patterns and designs but when they go to residential schools, they all have the same colorless clothing. You can see the people on the right look happy but when you start to move left, they look sad and depressed. The angle of the image is shown as a group photo. They are all lined up and looking directly at the cameraIt shows how you should include and accept everyone even if they are different. It shows how sad and terrible residential schools were and how they affected first nations. It represents how bad the residential schools were. You can see their culture and religion being stripped away. I think it is a good example of what happened and how we can learn from our mistakes. 

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