Community Connections

I interviewed Jonathon Chan. He is an accountant. I interviewed him because he is my father’s friend and I am interested in becoming an accountant. I have learned that it is important to work hard and ask for help when need because you can’t do everything by yourself.

Why are you passionate about your job or role?

“The ability to help others and do what I am interested in.”

What obstacles have you faced to get to where you are today?

“I was let go from one of my past jobs. During the first semester of college, I struggled with some of the materials my professors were giving me and took hard work to understand it.”

What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“Work hard and even if you struggling don’t give up. Only go into this job if you are really committed because lots of people will rely on you.”

Would you be willing to be further contacted by Riverside students, and if so how can someone contact you?

“Sure, I am here if you have any other questions. You can contact me by email at”

If you could go back and redo something what would you do?

“I would be more open to feedback because when I was younger I used to be too confident and not listen to anyone around me.”

Why did you become an accountant?

“I became an accountant because I have always liked math and been good at it so I felt that it would be a good way to use my skill set.”