Tagged: KendalGoalsA

Mateen’s Goals

In the upcoming month, I will get a job that I can make money by working. I will put my effort and

commitment into making a resume, and stay determined in finding a job through online listings or by going to the store its self. I can ask my parents for help getting a ride or how to write a resume, or I can ask any adult I know that has experience applying. If they don’t hire me because there not hiring or my time isn’t applicable with the times they want, then I’ll either have to change my times to be more flexible or look for more jobs hiring.


At the end of this quarter, I will get an A in English which is above 86%. I will focus in class and finish homework when before its due, I will review and study before tests or quizzes to get the best mark

as possible. If i have questions I can ask the teacher for help and some of the students if possible. I can always also use YouTube to answer my questions. If I’m falling behind on work I’ll focus a day on just school work to get back on track.