Category: English 9

Found Poem

The process of creating the poem normal consisted of a lot of thinking. I first took words or phrases out of the past emails I’ve received after spring break. After I’ve found the words or phrases I want, I take out all the unnecessary words such as, the, but, and. Once I got the words I wanted it was time to put it all together. I liked the experience of creating a poem through this process and I thought it was creative how we had to use past email to create the poem.


By: Mateen Sayami


In this unique situation,

disappointed we can’t


Taking care of yourself?

Let me know


I hope you are all well and safe,

Let me know


We’ll get past this part:

Work together,

Avoid leaving house,

socially distance


When is normal,

I don’t know…

Short Story – Graphic Novel

The short story the Mountain Journey is based on a trapper named Dave Conroy. Dave undertakes many challenges along the way and based on his choices in the beginning of the story influenced what would happened later on the journey. Dave Conroy’s main goal was to get to the cabin but later sadly died because of the freezing temperature. I chose this story mainly because this was a story I felt deeply connected to and it also taught me a lesson. The actions you do in the beginning of whatever journey you choose in life come back in either a positive or a negative impact.

The Sea Devil – Questions and Vocab

  1. Why does the man fish by night? How does this lead to the conflict with the ray? What is significant about the fact that he does not fish for a living?
  2. Identify 3 examples of foreshadowing
  3. Identify the following parts of the story’s plot: the complicating incident , a single crisis, the climax, the resolution and the ending (what kind?).
  4. One of the conflicts is between the civilized and primitive world (define these two words first). What is the purpose of the references made to the plane, the causeway, and the man’s wife at home?
  5. What does the man learn at the end of the story? Why does he release the mullet?
  6. Find 3 examples of descriptive language – this will lead into a discussion of figurative language.



Sullen – bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy.

Weltering – move in a turbulent fashion.

Elemental – primary or basic.

Sinewy – consisting of or resembling sinews.

Hoisted – consisting of or resembling sinews.

Phosphorescence – light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat.

Cordage – cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging.

Exhilaration – a feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation.

Atavistic – relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.

Centrifugal – moving or tending to move away from a center.

Gauntly – extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture; emaciated. bleak, desolate, or grim, as places or things: a gaunt, windswept landscape.

Impeding – delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.

Tenaciously – with a firm hold of something; closely.

Respite – a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.

Equilibrium – a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

Imminent – about to happen.

Gender Equality

What is the article about?  

USWNT seeks $66 million in gender discrimination suit against US Soccer. The US women’s national team didn’t get the same amount of money as the men’s national team did.

Who does it involve?  

It involves the Women’s US Soccer team players,  Russel Sawyer and the US Soccer Federation

Why did you choose this article?  

I chose this article because I play soccer outside of school for a high level, and I was intrigued when I saw the headline of the article.

How does this news article relate to the story we are reading- The Friday Everything Changed?

The news article that I chose in related to the story The Friday Everything Changed. The girls in the story were treated less than the boys, the boys discriminated the fact that they are girls, and that they cant bring the water because they aren’t strong enough. In this article the women on the national US team were payed less than the boys.

The Friday Everything Changed Questions

1. Why are the boys so upset at the idea of girls carrying the water bucket?


The boys feel there more superior than girls, they say that the girls can’t carry the bucket because there aren’t as strong as the big boys.


2. What strategies do the boys use to pressure the girls to give in? How do the girls react?


The boys after the day Alma Niles asked the teacher why girls can’t bring the water, the boys beat her up. Instead of watching her friends came and helped, the boys wouldn’t allow them to play softball. The girls grew stronger and they started sharing their feelings knowing that no one was going to make fun of them.


3. Who is telling the story? What does she think of Ms. Ralston and the conflict over the water? From what point of view is the story being told?


I think from the details given this is a girl speaking about the students in her class. I feel like she is a bystander in the story, she didn’t make a difference but was with the side that thought girls have the right to bring water. The story is being told from a 2nd person.


4. What is the setting? How does the setting intensify the conflict? What kind of conflict is it? Provide evidence for each conflict.


 The setting of the story was at a school, with the evidence provided such as bringing water to a school, maple leafs, urban city because they were talking about the other city people, I think they are in the 1950’s. The setting seem to shift toward a softball pitch towards the end when it intensified and the climax occurs. The conflict in the story is person vs society because Alma or the girls are going against the boys and the society proving them that girls can do as much as the boys can.


5. Who Is the protagonist? How do you know?


Alma Niles is the protagonist in the story The Friday Everything Changed. I know because she is the hero in the story for all the girls at the school, she taught them not to let people discriminate them just because they are girls. Alma was brave enough to ask why can’t girls bring the water bucket and that lead to the other girls being inspired, and someone to look up too.


6. In what way has everything changed on that Friday? What is the significance of Ms. Ralston’s action in the last paragraph? What is the message the author is exploring?


On Friday the girls were the first ever to bring the water bucket. When Ms. Ralston said that the girls will bring the water next time, it was a sign of change and a feeling of strength knowing that they have there own rights and can fight for there rights. The author is trying express the fact that girls stood for there rights and everyone no matter gender or racial appearance should have equal rights them everyone else


Galvanized = Shock or excite someone into taking action.

Remotest = Of a place situated far from the main centers of population; distant

Intoxicated = Cause someone to lose control of their faculties or behavior.

Ominous = Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen, threatening; inauspicious.

Supplementary = Completing or enhancing something.

Transfixed = Cause someone to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment.

Pirouetting = An act of spinning on one foot, typically with the raised foot touching the knee of the supporting leg.

Forlornly = Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.

Earnestly = With sincere and intense conviction; seriously.

Gloating = Dwelling on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.