Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

(It’s very glitchy, but it’s fully done so if you click on the link and zoom in it’s done)

How you figured out what equations to use.

At the start it took lots of trial and error because I wasn’t sure yet how I could manipulate different functions to fit in specific parts of my image. What really helped me be able to figure out what equations to use and how certain equations looked was youtube videos others had made about their own Desmos project, where they explained in detail how to manipulate those equations to do certain things. I found that watching the videos really helped me to visual my own image and how I could incorporate similar functions into my own project.

 Did you have any challenges?

I had lots of challenges with Princess Peach’s hair. As you can see theres many swoops and sharp edges, so this was the portion of the project that took me the longest to complete. I found it very difficult at first to perfectly line up all the different ellipses and semi-circles I had going on and found it very tedious and frustrating at times. How I resolved this challenge was just by focusing on one small part at a time so I didn’t get overwhelmed by all of it at once. I found this made me much more productive. I also had challenges when I started to shade and Desmos got pretty glitchy. It was hard to know what I had actually shaded or what I had missed because of the glitching, but I learnt that you just have to be patient with it and eventually it will show up.


Any aha moments?

Yes! When I was starting to shade I didn’t know how make it so that the shading went around certain shapes (like a circle) or end at certain shapes, because the shading goes down in strips of rectangles. Due to this I was having lots of problems because I have so many circle shapes, so my shading was looking very bad. After asking for some help and learning how to do it everything made sense and shading became so much easier.

Did you get help?

Yes a lot, specifically with shading. Like I explained above, I didn’t know how to make the shading go around shapes like circles. Even after watching many videos I still wasn’t sure. But after I asked my teacher for help and learnt how to do it, I was able to work through the shading quite a bit faster.

Did you use any strategies?

My best strategy was to stay very organized. Everyday I would set myself a goal to finish for example, the lower dress or something like that so I could make sure I finished in time. I found it much easier to focus on one part of the image each day then try to tackle too much at a time because I wasn’t being as productive that way.

How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations? 

This assignment helped me understand more about transformations of functions and relations because the more I was working with them the more I was getting comfortable with them and after a while I had just memorized all the different equations and I didn’t need to search anything up. As well as, it helped me understand how different equations can be manipulated in different ways that make the equation look nothing like the original equations, which on paper is hard to do. This project helped me take things we learnt in class and play with it to create a big image, something that I did not think I could do.