Science app review

App Review                                    By: Liam


  1.  A question you could answer using this app is: What if you forget the name or picture of a component in circuits?
  2. Some sort of app that helps you memorize them somehow? Like matching them together? This app has a lot of different uses. Something like flash cards but digitally. Almost like someone is there with you to help you remember, but instead of a person its a computer.
  3. The app I found that helps with that is called “Totally Matching Components” which is available on the windows app store. I found this by looking up “Electricity” in the games category, so it’s easy to find. This app is also free so it is accessible. It’s also available on mobile, so you can play it while doing something else such as riding the bus home. There’s also a competitive part of the game where you can compete against your classmates, the faster you finish, the more points you get. Competition is good because it would help them memorize faster because you are trying to beat other people.
  4. Totally Matching Components is a game where you have to match the name and the picture of a component together until you get all of them matched. This will help in case you have to draw a picture of a component in a circuit but forget what it looks like, it helps you memorize it.
  5. I didn’t play very many rounds, and I have memorized some of them already, so it helps fast. I think this could be used for science class to help kids remember terms and symbols. I think this would be really great to have in class.



Governing Quebec Paragraph


As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Assimilation To ensure the colony is properly run. If we were to assimilate them, they would become British and give us more population than before, It’s better than Deporting them and losing that chance of gaining population. We will have more people to become soldiers to protect our land, more farmers to… Farm, and we will be getting their recourses as ours since they are some of our men. We also will own all the land instead of some and giving the other bits to Natives and the French. And if we were to let them keep their status quo, that doesn’t sound like there was much of a reason to take over in the first place, like yeah we have the land, but they still have all the rules, language, and everything that we could have changed but wouldn’t. So, now we will have everything we really like. More land, Population, Our rules, and just helping to thin out the French populations. But anyway, As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is Assimilation. This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.