Definition of Art

What I did accomplish last week.

I finished my miniature clay head that was meant to be for practice for our actual masks. I feel like I did pretty well on it too, it was unique, not the best looking, but definitely unique. that’s it.

Mask Process Journal

September 27, 2021

I know I want to make a school bus, it’s going to be restively small and made fully out of clay and then glazed. I’m still thinking about either making it a regular yellow school bus or the magic school bus from the cartoon.

The only things I will need to get started are obviously clay, a spray bottle to wet the clay and make it easier to mold and shape, and a knife too for cutting up the pieces for the walls and windows.

Some challenges I might face in the beginning are getting all the pieces to be the same thickness so that they won’t look weird next to each other, but other than that, I don’t think there will be too many difficult parts to this project it pretty straight forward.

My goal for this week is to get all the pieces ready to go so that next week I can get started on sticking them all together and make it come to life. The wheels might be the hardest part because there isn’t really an easy way to make them, you just have to eye ball them and hope that they all will be the same size.

I will know its done when there is nothing left to do on it, it needs to be coloured, glazed and have all the little details like the side mirrors, bumpers, etc. it probably won’t be done anytime soon because I actually want to keep it long term so I want to make sure its perfect before I say its completely done.

I did pretty well this week, I got half of the pieces that I need done, so next week I’m hoping I will get the rest done so that the week after, I can get started on putting it all together. I didn’t really have any hard times this week with the project, the only annoying thing was making the wheels the same thickness and length.