Socials 10 – February 20, 2018

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Shape of the day:

  1. Attendance
  2. Summary of resources.  Share what you discovered!
  3. Take time to go through each resource with your group.
  4. Individual multiculturalism assignment for Edublog.
    1. How do people maintain their culture post immigration, and in what ways might they be discouraged from doing so?  Find one example in the media for each side.
    2. Post each example on your Edublog. With each example, provide a description of what you are sharing.  How does that show people maintaining their cultural heritage or how does it show people being discouraged from that?
    3. Based on the two samples you have found, do you think Canada is a multicultural country?  Explain why?
    4. Get one other student to read your post before you publish it.
    5. Tag your post with #socialsperspectives

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