TOKTW 2016

The interview:

I had gone to my dads work at Morrey Nissan, a car was very exciting and welcoming. my dad manages the financial aspects of the company and is known as the controller. His job is to count money for financial things in the company. some qualifications he has for this job is training, university for four years and two years technical and finally twenty five years of experience. some skills and attributes are being able to work with numbers, problem solving skills, tight deadlines and working well with others. my dad likes problem solving and analyzing but dislikes tight deadlines and long hours which are used throughout this job. He predicts that not much will change in the future with the job and enjoys it very much.

Student Reflection:

I really enjoyed going to my dads work and found the atmosphere very welcoming. I liked that there were lots of people around and it wasn’t very isolated, I also liked that there were long lunch breaks and you could take it whenever you wanted. I disliked that it wasn’t very active and there wasn’t much moving and mostly sitting at a desk the whole day, and you also have to be pretty fast with mathematics and numbers, finally I disliked the long hours. I think that personally this job isn’t for me because sitting at a desk would make me very irritated and I feel like it is hard work to look at numbers all day, especially because they are written very tiny and hard to see when the numbers are in lines. I think this project gave me a better understanding about my dads job and I found out that it was a lot harder then I had thought.

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