Desmos Portrait 2018

I figured out what each function looked liked individually, and what looked most like each facial structure on my face. I would take an equation and modify it so it would go in a specific spot and place on the face. In my final end results I wasnt extremely happy with my result because I struggled very much on this task and found it quite tricky. I was happy with the eyes but couldnt figure iut how to do a second eyebrow. At the begining I did get help with the mouth from Angie, and had done the rest on my own. I think that this assignemnt did give me a better understanding on graphs and what a function is, and feel like it helped a lot.

Surface Area of a Sphere OE2018

In this experiment, we were to cut an orange in half, hollow out the center of the orange and try to create circles on a piece of paper with bits of the orange. we ended up creating four circles and used the formula 4xΠr², this experiment taught me about the surface area of circular objects and what the circle would be like on a flat surface.



RAC post

To contribute to RAC week I had opened doors for strangers and I had cleaned up the house a bit for my mom and dad while they were at work, I did these things and didn’t expect anything in return. I noticed when I would do this random act of caring many people smiled and thanked me, it felt very nice to do an act that made somebody happy or feel better. I would definitely do this again and try and fit it into a daily routine, next time I might try and do something with a bigger impact, like pay for someone else’s meal. It showed me that I can make an impact by being kind, even if it is just a small act it still impacts somebody.

DNA model



Deoxyribonucleic acid otherwise known as DNA is stored in the nucleus of every cell, except for red blood cells, which lose their DNA as they grow. DNA chooses the genetics of individuals such as sex, appearance, and viruses. Humans inherit one set of 23 chromosomes from their mother and another set from their father. Females have two X chromosomes where as males have one X and one Y.

What literature has taught me about the human condition


Image result for symbolic images about racism

Humanity has been struggling for years to understand that people are all equal, and for some reason, humanity just can’t figure out how to accept everyone. People are judged and mistreated for their race, beliefs, who they love, and even what they wear or who they hang out with. I bet every day so much discussion and racism occurs and many people feel unworthy or ashamed of who they are. Why can’t everyone be who they want, love who they wish, and love themselves? People are afraid of change so to accept something new, they treat “change” different than others and horribly. In Indian Horse, Saul had joined a professional hockey team and was the only First Nations boy on the team. The team treated him awful and less than other members. They feared change but by using racism and cruelty they caused Saul to change as a person. When in preschool we are told to treat others the way we wish to be treated, yet not everyone seems to listen. When we had watched the book thief families were taken from their homes, forced to leave everything and were killed. Liesel was just a little girl who had to conceal her identity to survive. Racism can lead to so many horrible things, for example in Indian Horse, Saul had become an alcoholic and it took him years to recover from the residential schools. It is cruel and unfair to judge someone just for their race and culture. Racism has affected many for years and unfortunately still does affect many.