digital footprint

Digital footprint

1. Your digital footprint can effect your future in many ways. if you had ever posted something rude or inappropriate that can offend some people and you afterwards delete it, that doesn’t always mean it was deleted and it can still be roaming the internet somewhere. If you apply for an important job the manager of the company could easily find a photo you tried to hide or thought, you deleted it could offend the manager and you wont get that job possibly. My second reason is if you apply for college and a photo is found by the dean of the school, you might get declined from that college or any other colleges you apply to and if your dream job was to be a lawyer or doctor you wouldn’t be able to become one because of your digital footprint.

2. Three ways you can keep your digital footprint safe is by, being careful about what you post, don’t post anything if you know its bad or offensive. Another way is to not download social media apps, just talk to your friends in person or on text or even on the phone. My final reason is to make your account private so only your friends can view your posts.

3. After learning about my digital footprint I found out many facts that I was unaware of before. I found out that if you delete a photo on the web it is never actually gone and can be surfing the web somewhere. Also if you ever post something inappropriate or offensive it could effect your whole future. What I learned from doing this project is to be careful about what I post.