Nucleur Power Plant Model

I have enjoyed this project, overall I found this assignment very fun and helpful, it let me get a further understanding on nuclear power plants. I enjoyed doing the assignment with a partner and was happy with the overall model. I think there were some things that we could have improved on as well, for example we could have made it more colourful or clearer if we had more time to complete it. I think that we both did lots of the work but we split up questions and the model. We also probably could have painted the base of the model to make it pop more. other then those few things I really like the outcome and enjoyed this project.

Nuclear 3D Model Questions

1. The first main part is the reactor core. It consists of fuel elements, control rod, coolant, moderator and pressure vessels. The second main part is the reflector. This is placed around the core to reflect some of the neutrons that leak from the cores surface. The third main part is the control rods. This absorbs the neutrons so it can maintain or stop a reaction. Helps shut down the reactor in emergency situations. Free neutrons hit a uranium atom and split it. Nuclear energy starts from splitting of the uranium atom. This is called fission; it generates heat to produce steam which is used by a turbine. Because they do not burn fuel they do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Which is better for the environment.

2. Dangers: Although nuclear power plants are one of the less harmful energy sources it is still very harmful. When you enrich uranium it harms the environment. If a serious accident occurred large amounts of dangerous radiation which can cause an increased risk of cancer to people that are exposed. It does not emit air pollution, isolates its waste from the environment and does not require a huge amount of land.

3. What are the ethical implications?

Nuclear power plants are defiantly a more efficient way of producing electricity however it can be very harmful to the environment. If the uranium fuel were to leak it could cause many health issues such as loss of breath, illness and death.

4. What are the environmental implications?

Nuclear power plants are one of the cleanest forms of energy as it does not emit air pollution. However, uranium is radioactive so if it leaked it could kill people and animals.

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