Mitosis stop motion video and questions

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Analysis Questions (after your pictures are done). 


  1. Why did you decide to model Mitosis or Meiosis- one over the other? Be specific!!! 

 Me and my partner decided to do our project about mitosis because we were both busy this week and we didn’t know if we would have enough time to work on it together, so we chose mitosis because it was the one with less steps just in case. But we were also interested in it and thought that it would be a fun thing to create out of clay. I also think that we understood It better so our project would look better.  



2. What was the most challenging thing in making your movie? 

I think that the most challenging thing in creating our movie was having a little trouble with the clay because when we first started the project, we didn’t really know if we would have enough. But luckily, I had found some in my house, so it was all good. And even though it wasn’t a lot of clay, it was enough for our project.  




3. What was the easiest thing to do in making your movie? 

The easiest thing in making our movie was that my partner had downloaded an app that allowed you to make stop motion videos in a super easy way. So, all we had to do was take the pictures and it was already edited in the app. And we didn’t have to import the pictures because we could take them on the app so yea that was probably the easiest thing in making the video.  




4. How could you improve your movie? 

 I think maybe we could’ve taken more pictures for our project so that it was longer. Because our video is kind of short and I feel like if we had more pictures then it could’ve explained the steps more but other than that I think our project was pretty good.   



5.Thinking about how you worked with your partner, what were some of the challenges and successes of working in a group? 

 I don’t think me, and my partner really had any problems because we could communicate outside of school so we knew like what materials we had and when we could work.  And we got like 99% of our project done in class together so it wasn’t like one of us had to take the project home and do it all by ourselves. But overall, I think we worked very well together and because of that our project came out pretty well.   


6. Why is Mitosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Mitosis? 

 Mitosis is important because it is the process that divides the cells into two identical nuclei. It creates more cells that are genetically the same as the parent cell. It’s also important for our bodies because it helps our growth and development of our bodies. And it helps create new cells and it gets rid of the old ones.  


7. Why is Meiosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Meiosis? 

 Meiosis is important because it is that process that makes it so that during sexual reproduction, each cell contains the right number of chromosomes from each parent. So that way if the cells have the right number of chromosomes from both parents then the child can be genetically different from others. It’s important because it gives the world some diversity.  


Name: Katrina Herrera Date:






How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency?


Describe how the artifact you selected shows your strengths & growth in specific core competencies. The prompt questions on the left – or other self-assessment activities you may have done – may guide your reflection process.



I think that I demonstrated good communications skills while working on our stop motion project especially since I did it with a partner. And since we couldn’t see each other a lot in class it was a little bit stressful to find time to work on it but luckily, we communicated well and found some time where we both weren’t busy. I also communicated well by letting my partner know what materials I had for the project and what ideas I had for it. And it was good because we both agreed on the same things and the process of making our video went very smoothly. And it was easier because I’ve known my partner for a long time and me and her have always been good friends, so we already worked well together. Another way I think I used my communication competency was by asking the teacher if we could have more time to work on our project during flex time. And in the end our project came out pretty well.


I think that I could further develop my communications skills by maybe talking to my partner more about what our main idea was for the project. Even though it came out how we both wanted it to, and we didn’t disagree on anything, I feel like we could’ve communicated a bit more to create the most amazing project we could’ve. But other than that, I still like to think that our video turned out well.





How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?





How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the personal & social competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your personal & social competencies?






Antimony – Katrina Herrera

Go to this Sway


Element sway reflection 

Katrina Herrera 

  1. I researched questions, such as, what my element looked like, the boiling point and melting point, who discovered it and what it can be used for etc.  


 2. A new thing that I used for my project was the riverside library. I used it to find new websites to research my project and it was actually really helpful and I will definitely use it again.  


3. Some things that I did to get my information was go through multiple websites to see if they all had the same information to make sure that nothing was fake news. And after I found some good stuff, I would change it into my own words and add it to my sway.  


4. Most of the websites I went to already had pre made citations for me to just copy and then I could paste it onto my sway and I found that really helpful.  


5. I think my process of working on the sway was pretty good although I could’ve maybe added a little bit more information to my cards but other than that I think it was a decent job.  





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