EFPH11 – Bento Box

Attached below is my bento box for the novel Deep House by Thomas King. Clicking on the little yellow dots will bring you to various compostitions such as the writer’s style, other connections to literature, some characterization and more. Clicking on the dot at the bottom left corner of the book will play an audio recording of my personal take on the novel. Enjoy!

First People’s Talk – The Seven Sacred Teachings

The seven sacred teachings are guiding principles in which the First Peoples follow to ensure that they live a healthy and balanced life. They value these traits and trust them to help them grow to their full potential. Each of the seven teachings are special in their own way and it’s extremely important that they are being followed. Since these seven teachings, love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility, and truth are also traits that everyone should value, we decided to present our knowledge in a visual way. We felt that the easiest way to convey how important these traits are to the rest of the class is by talking to real people who actually value these qualities and getting their take on it. We interviewed some people in our community to find out what they think of each of the seven teachings and what it means to them to demonstrate real life situations. I felt that this was a good way to show how meaningful these are. Examples of how the seven sacred teachings are used in everyday lives are easy to think of. Everyday people are showing love, respect, wisdom and all the others simply in just waking up everyday. You never know what people are going through so just by someone greeting you in the morning they could be showing immense courage. Or if someone is maybe admitting that their wrong, they could be demonstrating humility and honesty. Seeing someone pick up litter on the ground is them showing respect to the land. Most of the time, no matter what someone is doing, big or small, they are somehow using these 7 teachings and because of that, their lives are being fulfilled just as the First Peoples hoped.

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