Circle Talk

I feel like I learned a lot from this activity about, not only my peers but myself too. There were a lot of interesting adjectives used and stories told and I think it shows a lot about our character. I find it amazing how we can all come from different backgrounds with different history and different memories and yet we were all brought together somehow and were able to share our stories. And despite having so many different things, we still all have a lot of similarities too. Because maybe we all grew up in different places, with different teachings but we can still find positive adjectivs that can discribe our elders and ourselves that are connected to other people too. I’ve noticed that we all have positive influences in our lives that have helped us grow and become who we are today and I think we are all very lucky to have grown up that way. Even if one can find it hard to believe that they have found inspiration in their elders, just by them observing and reacting to the things they may have heard or seen, it builds their character despite them maybe not even knowing. I find it really cool that we can see ourselves and traits we have or things we’ve learned in others no matter the differences.

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