Meiosis Stop Motion Video project


This is our Meiosis Stop Motion video project. Our group (Joel, Mike, Morgan) worked together quite well, other than a few challenges we had on deciding how much to make the cell move between each picture. We worked together, to use our time as wisely as possible, so that we could be able to produce our best quality work. We could have made, many improvements to make our video better. Such as: we used many of the same materials, because we had troubles comunicating with each other, and who was responsible for bringing what. We were able to finish our project with some time to spare, because of all our hard work in  school, and outside of school. This project challenged us to work together, and to be able to discover the skills and good character traits, that would be a help to creating this project. We have thouroughly discussed, our project with our group members and have decided that we were happy with our process, and the outcome.

Science app Review

My science app that I have chosen is called “Balance”.

Define/Discover: This app is a fun and educational app where you have to set the power and create power lines to gives power to the cities. This app is great for students because it is a fun AND educational game/app. The steps are easy to understand, so any students would be able to understand the game.

This app can help you, learn about electricity and how it is sent to different cities. The problem that I noticed with many educational apps, is that they lack fun to them. They will teach you many things, but nit in a very fun way. This is why I enjoy this app so much. I have said it many times: “it is fun and educational!”


The app has many different levels that challenge you in figuring out how to produce the correct amount of power, to the correct amount of cities. The app has a few problems, such as a limited number of levels that you can beat. The game is well designed as there is a real-life problem (the use of electricity and how it is being made) so the creators have designed this game where different levels use different types of electricity.

Dream: If all pollution was eliminated, first starting with the pollution made from creating electricity, that would be amazing! This app shows you how some power is sent to different places. In the future I would like to invent something that creates power without creating pollution.


Design/Deliver: My plan is that I could try to invent a device that uses air, and compresses it enough so that the air is compacted and could then be put into a machine that expands it, and could somehow make electricity.

Debrief: This is an awesome app, that is a fun way to use electricity and think and create ways for the elctricity to get to the cities. I spent a lot of time trying to find an app that is fun, AND educational, so when I found this app I was very happy. If the app could improve, I would like it to have an option of designing your own way to get the electricity to the cities. This app is great!!