Unit #1 – Street Art-Lesson 3 – Creativity exercise and comparing street art with graffiti

Your art is amazing.

Before you start this lesson please know that Friday this week is a Pro-D day.  Great?  So this is your last lesson for the week.  I will post the next lesson next week – Monday, April 20

Today I have three different small activities for you to do.  Please do as much as you can manage.

FIRST:   Three terms that we need to understand more clearly and how they relate to each other:

  1. Mural
  2. Street Art
  3. Graffiti

I’d like you to compare and contrast these three terms; how are they the same (what are their similarities)?  How are they different from each other?  Write a comparison/contrast document.  Include the second activity (below) on this document as well. Send both to me.

SECOND:       You need to expand your experiences with street art, so go touring – virtually.  You can go to almost any big city in the world and do a search for that city’s street art.  Tours will appear – take one.  Try Mexico City, Rome, or Sao Paulo.  There are many in Vancouver. For example, go to:


Here are a couple of street art sites that collect images of street artists’ works from around the world:



I’d like you to find three different street art works that you like, find the name of the artist that painted it (sometimes you have to read their signature on the work), paste a copy of each work with the artist, and write some words explaining why you like it.   This activity can be written on the same document as activity number 1 (above) is on.  Send these to me, please.

THIRD: Creativity exercise number 4:                           

This is a classic creativity activity by “creativity experts” who use it to measure people’s creative thinking.   We won’t measure anything, just practice thinking differently with it.  The goal of this is again to push your creativity.
Time: 15 minutes
Setup: By tracing a loonie draw 30 circles on one sketchbook page.

How to: Now, by drawing, turn each of the blank circles into an artwork of objects and/or abstractions.  DO NOT JUDGE as you draw, just draw– non-stop.

Finish: When you finish, look at the quantity or fluency of ideas!  Then look at the diversity or flexibility in ideas by seeing if the ideas are derivative (a basketball, a baseball, a volleyball) or distinct (a planet, a cookie, a happy face). Did you “break the rules” and combine circles (a snowman or a traffic light)?  Besides being a great warm-up exercise, “Thirty Circles” offers a quick lesson about ideation. It’s easier to have a great idea if you have many to choose from. But if you have a lot of ideas that are just variations on a theme, you might really only have one idea with twenty-nine other versions. When you combine fluency and flexibility, you can generate a rich array of art ideas to choose from.

Email me a photo.

That’s it for today!   Come back next Monday.   

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