The point of view I chose was objective.
Knocking at the door he ran down the stairs, collected himself and opened the door. With a deep breath he invited the three police officer’s in to talk. He place three chairs in the exact room the fresh cut up body rested under the wooden planks. He acted cool with all of this. Slowly a sound grew louder in his head. It was the heartbeat, the heartbeat he claimed to be the old mans. Louder and louder he began to go insane. He began cursing, he raved and he foamed. He through the chair to the side ripped the wood planks up, yelled: “HERE, HERE!” The body was shown to the police officer’s and they knew, the knew the truth; this man was criminally insane. The three officer’s soon clenched cold, metallic and heavy handcuffs to the crazy man’s wrists. He would be locked up for the rest of is life.