The feeling of going home poem

The feeling of going home

The day we left was sad
The whole past 10 days feeling just erased
The car was crowded and everyone else was glad
The weather was sunny and joyful
The trees were skyscrapers towering above us
The air was as crisp as an apple
The mood was calming and cool as we saw the coastline approach
The waves crashed like thunderous clouds
The sky was darkened, with light in the horizon
The rest of the ride disappeared into thin air
The second I got out of the car at home, I wanted to go back

Journal 2: Choices

Journal Response #2- Choices
Who’s fault was it
In the story “Choices”, by Susan Kerslake, a girl makes a choice that would forever alter her life in a tragic way. Whose fault was it that Peggy got paralyzed? It all starts out with Peggy making the decision to go on a car ride with Ken. Peggy had full control on whether or not she was going to go on the trip with Ken. In the first paragraph of the story on page 117 Peggy thinks to herself that she could do the same things she could do in the country, in the comfort of her own apartment with just slight variations. After Peggy was done contemplating whether or not to go on the trip with Ken, she choose to go. Since Peggy chose to go with Ken, it was all her fault for what was going to happen after this point. If Peggy actually took into account the risks of driving with Ken and stayed home, none of this would’ve happened. When Ken drives up to Peggy’s house to pick her up, his car was packed to the brim “The passenger seat was empty, but that was all. Hampers, suitcases, buckets, baskets, bags full of essentials were stuffed…” (pg 118) Peggy did not factor in this problem. Kens car being this cluttered could have been a helping cause to Kens seizure or heart attack. When Ken rolled up to Peggy’s house, he lifted up the hood to check out the insides of the car. The inner workings of the car was described as dirty and oily. Peggy did not say anything or voice her opinion on the condition of the car, she could’ve backed out of the adventure for her safety. One major key that it was Peggy’s fault was the fact they stopped at the liquor store. It was Peggy’s decision to stop at the liquor store, if they even did. “She asked him to stop at a Liquor store when they opened so she could pick something up for the weekend” (Pg 118). The author does not tell you whether or not they actually do go to the liquor store, but the way it is written and the place this sentence is in the story, it implies it did happen. The stop at the liquor store could mean anything. It could mean that the two of them left the drinks in the back of the car untouched, or they could have drank some of the drinks and both been intoxicated. The author does not tell you what happens with the drinks or if they even get them at all, but if they did grab drinks and drink them and Ken was intoxicated, this would have also caused the crash and been Peggy’s fault. When Peggy and Ken were driving on the highway there were some signs she noticed that something was wrong with Ken. Peggy just brushed off what she was seeing and thought it was the pressure of the gas pedal. She did think that Ken would soon have a stroke. She only realized Ken was in trouble when he had his stroke. This is why the car accident was Peggy’s fault. All of these things could’ve been avoided if she used her brain before leaving for the trip and stayed home.