Desmos Art Functions Card 2018

Overall I found this project slightly challenging. Since we were were given 6 types of functions we needed to follow it made the project a bit more tricky than just being able to use whatever functions you felt worked. To find what equations I should use I kept drawing what my picture should look like in Microsoft paint and then I would think of functions that could draw that line. At one point I had a challenge of incorporating the eyebrows onto my person. For the right one I was able to use a log function but then I had an issue reciprocating it onto the other side because log functions can not be negative. So I needed to use a different function for the left eyebrow. When I was creating the circles for the eyes, feet, and hands it was hard at first to create the perfect function but once I got it I was able to translate the circles to different spots. I was able to complete this whole project on my own. This graphing project helped me understand transformations and restrictions way more than before because I was able to input a function and then play around with moving it up and down and making it cut off at certain points with the restrictions so it wasn’t continuous.

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