God and I Are Not Friends

I honestly wasn’t super proud with my essay but the things that I am most proud of are my hook and my use of semicolons. I thought that my hook really grabs the readers attention and I tend to struggle with using semicolons properly so I was proud of myself for being able to use it correctly. To improve for next time I would probably like to add more dialogue to practice my writing with that as well as try and explain things more in depth to work on the ‘show don’t tell’ aspect.

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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

The story is about how a girl was bullied by her older brother and sister and decided to take action and stand up for herself instead of just letting it happen. The way she decided to stand up for herself by pranking her siblings back and getting ‘even’ with them. We tried to shoot as many angles as we could to create some more intrest for the viewer. While filming and editing the video i learned that I tend to overestimate the amount of clips that I have so the video ends up being too short. I also learned that I get very frustrated when I don’t have a lot of time to edit a video and it doesn’t turn out as good as it usually would if I had more time to edit it.

Making Babies!

Duayne had a square face and a very prominent round cleft chin. He also had medium brown skin and very dark curly hair with a widow peak. Duayne had very dark bushy eyebrows that weren’t connected and brown almond eyes. He has a medium nose and has Darwin’s ear points as well as forehead and cheek freckles. He’s honestly a tad ugly but you can expect anything very nice coming from Josh and I.

Answer the following questions:
A. How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?
Because there is a 50% chance your get one of the 2 alleles from your mother and a 50% chance you get another one of the 2 allele from your father.
B. How does this simulation accurately represent or not represent real life?
This inaccurately represents your life because it was chosen traits and wasn’t reflective of how a real life baby would inherit the traits of their parents
C. Did you identify any prejudices you might have about what traits you find “desirable”? Where do you think these prejudices come from
Yes, I think by seeing the choices that we could get for our baby we were very focused on making sure the baby wasn’t ‘ugly’. I think this comes from being able to see the options and knowing typically ‘beautiful’ standards and just wanting the baby to look nice.

Foods 11 – March Lab Reflection

I chose to reflect on the Cool Rise Buns + Alphabet Soup lab because it was my favourite lab to make this month. I thourghly enjoyed this lab because of the extremely delicious outcome and how fun they were to make. I personally love bread so it felt very good to be able to enjoy something that I loved and made myself instead of buying it at a store. At first I was not expecting the cool rise buns to work because I didn’t know if we had shaped them well enough so that they would stay the shape we wanted them. I was pleasantly suprised when I saw how they turned out. The Alphabet soup was a bit in the middle for me personally. I thought that it tasted fine but I found the constant heating to be a little annoying. I did enjoy how easy the soup was to make aside from the constant microwaving and I enjoyed knowing that there wasn’t too much salt going into the soup like there would be if we used canned soup.I think the buns and soup were a good pairing and I can see myself making the buns again in the future but I could not say the same for the soup. I believe that our group worked pretty good together. We were quite efficient and were able to get everything done early and well. I personally don’t remember having any issues as our group seemed to get along and work well all together. If I were to do this lab again I would probably put them buns in for a little less time because they ended up a little burnt. I would also put more things into the alphabet soup because I found it to be a little bland and I believe it would taste better with some added veggies and if it were a bit thicker as well.