How do stereotypes affect people?

The movie The Help, directed by Tate Taylor, features a girl named Skeeter who aspires to be a writer. Skeeter decides to interview the black women in her town who have spent their whole lives caring for the white families in their community. She talks to the women about how they are treated not only as the help but also as members of the black community in a Caucasian heavy town. She learns how the women are affected by the stereotyping of their race such as having to use a separate bathroom because they are “dirty”. Skeeter then makes a book of her interviews and shows the people in the town and around the world that you shouldn’t stereotype people without understanding them first. The white people in the town also stereotyped a girl named Celia Foote who was stereotyped as being “white trash” because she came from Sugarditch. The white women assumed she was cheap and less classy just because of where she grew up. This made Ceclia feel as if she wasn’t good enough and she was ashamed of who she is. Humans have a great ability to be understanding of others but they also are very capable of stereotyping others just because they do not know them. This movie shows that stereotypes can make people feel ashamed for being who they are but with the help of community and friends you can overcome these stereotypes.