Adaptive Tech Final Post

My group and I tried to make a simplified remote for tim because he has huntington’s disease and he has trouble with his movement, communication, and dexterity. So we tried making this remote for him so he doesn’t have as much of trouble switching channels, volume or turning on/off the Tv. During this project I connected with My group mates who’s name are Raphael, Tommy, and Jaymie. The skills i developed were my communication skills because my group talked to each other and we figured out how to make a remote for tim. i feel like i met my learning goals because i figured out how to use tinker cad an app that i didn’t know how to use but now i do. the collaboration with Tim was really good at first i felt awkward talking to Tim but now i don’t feel awkward talking to Tim as much as I did before. my group and I could have improved actually printed the remote for tim to actually use. I feel that my connection based learning experience is doing good and i feel like it will continue to be better.