Garibaldi Lake Task

Garibaldi Lake is a glacier fed lake near Squamish, British Columbia. Its beautiful turquoise waters are contained in the lake by a dam called The Barrier. The barrier was created by lava flow and is said to be unstable. It has already let water pass many times but only recent of 1856. AN eruption cause lava to flow but pooled when it came in contact with ice. The lava eventually created a ponded area. When the ice melted away the cooled lava flow formed a cliff. Water pooled behind the lava dam and created Garibaldi Lake. We were asked to find the estimated amount of water in Garibaldi Lake and what would happen if the barrier were to break.

Hike to turquoise waters of picturesque Garibaldi Lake near Whistler, BC, Canada. Very popular hike destination in British Columbia.

Estimate how much water the lake contains:

We can use the average depth and surface area to find the amount of water in the lake. First multiply the average depth (119m) with the SA (9.94km3) which gives us 1,182,860m3. Now we have to convert the metres cubed to litres because we are dealing with liquid mass. Take 1,182,860m3 and multiply by 1,000L which equals 1,182,860,000L, this is the estimated amount of water the lake holds.

What would happen if the barrier faulted?:

If the dam were to collapse the water would rush out into Rubble Creek and flood the valley below. It would cause damage to natural habitats and would affect many species. They would have to find a new home and adapt to new situations. It could also wipe out trees and flood nearby creeks as well as the Sea to Sky highway. However, most of the water would not flow out because there are uneven surfaces and the bottom of the lake. I think about 1/4 of the lake’s water would be kept inside any deep hallowed areas. A cubic meter of water at 4 degrees Celsius weighs 1,000kg. The temperature of the water is important because the density varies based on temperature. The water in Garibaldi Lake is about 2 degrees Celsius making a cubic meter of water 0.999944g.


Garibaldi Lake Hike near Whistler

Given information on OneNote

DNA Model

Deoxyribonucleic or DNA carries nucleotides or chemical bases that makes up each individuals genetics. DNA is carried by chromosomes. Humans inherit one set of 23 chromosomes from their mother and another set from their father. 22 of the sets are very similar but with a slightly different version of each gene on the chromosome. The pairing determines our sex. Females have two X chromosomes but males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The Y chromosome carries the genes that create masculine features. DNA provides all the information needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. There are pairs of chemical bases which form long sequences called genes. Genes are coded instructions for building proteins. Each gene produces one protein. These proteins are building blocks of the body. When isolated from the cell and stretched out the DNA looks like a twisted ladder which is called a double helix. The sides of the DNA are called the backbone and the steps are pairs of chemical bases that are arranged in a particular order. The four types of chemical bases are adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. In my model the backbone is made up of licorice and the chemical bases are made of marshmallows held by toothpicks. My marshmallows are arranged in a specific order to show how adenine (green) always pairs with thymine (pink) and cytosine (yellow) goes with guanine (orange).

OERAC 2018

This week for Random Acts of Kindness Week I held the door for people walking behind me. I
usually try to hold the door for people because it is a kind gesture that doesn’t require a lot of effort. I chose to do this RAC for the week because I don’t notice how people respond or react to me holding the door for them so I thought it would be interesting to record my experiences this week. I noticed that majority of the people really appreciated me holding the door for them. Some of them seemed a little shocked probably because they didn’t expect it especially from someone younger. For me personally, I noticed that I went out of my way more to hold the door or I waited longer for the person following behind me. Knowing that I helped make someone’s day a little better made me feel accomplished and more helpful even though it was a small action. I will continue to do this RAC as I do so on a regular basis but now I can feel an accomplishment every time I hold the door for someone. This activity made me want to think of new ways I can help people during their day. After I held the door for one person I did notice they held the door open for the next person but I don’t know if that was a coincidence or if they wanted to continue the trend. Overall, I enjoyed doing this RAC over a week and recording their reactions. My favourite part was how it made me feel like a caring citizen. I think RAC’s are very important because we always think about ourselves so it is nice to think about how we can help others.

Human Rights Textbook Questions

Chapter 10 Pg. 326 #1, 3, 4, 5

1. In your own words, define the term human rights.
-A right that is believed everybody should have.

3. What is the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Why did the members of the United
Nations feel it was necessary to prepare the Declaration?
-It was the first international statement recognizing all human beings deserve certain rights and freedoms. They believe all countries should respect it’s citizens no matter their gender, race, age etc. This document is linked with peace and this document was adopted after the World Wars so the UN was doing their part on keeping world peace.

4. What are the problems of enforcing the Declaration?
-It puts economic, social and cultural pressure on countries.

5. What is the purpose of the ICC? Name a case that has been heard by the court.
-To deal with international human rights abusers. The ICC has the power to investigate and prosecute individuals and political leaders who commit war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity.

-Al Mahdi was sentenced to 9 years for being a perpetrator of a war crime intentionally directing attacks against historic monuments and buildings dedicated to religion.

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