ETEC 521 – Website Log

As far as writing goes, lists are my absolute favorite form of writing. I would relate this to dribbling with your strong hand (for me that’s my right hand) down the the floor against little or no defense! Basically they come much easier to me and need much less practice. I also find them to be very practical for others (and myself) to read. I found this particular list or log to be very practical. The website log for ETEC 521 is a compilation of links to websites and social media users that will hopefully be useful when teaching about Aboriginal people and Canadian history. The list was created in four stages over the course of the course, which I took in my first semester of MET. Just like dribbling it was a great introduction back into the formal education lifestyle. Dribbling is one of the first skills we teach players that are new to the game. When I started the list I used elements that I had tried already in my classroom and had found to be useful for my students and myself. As I added to the list and it evolved to include some online resources that that had caught my interests, as I worked through ETEC 521.

Website Log
ETEC 521 – Website Log – Langford

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