ETEC 565 – Group LMS Evaluation: Platform Evaluation for a Community Organization: Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization of Canada

In this group assignment for ETEC 565 we were asked to evaluate an online delivery platform from an organizational standpoint. We had to conduct an evaluation and consider how implementing one LMS or a combination of several could help our chosen organization to achieve its goals. Working together we had to determine criteria, and provide clear reasons for recommending a particular tools and consider how this choice will affect the organizational goals, and the resources available. We chose to evaluated several different LMS platforms and chose one we thought would best fit the Big Brothers Organization. This assignment was quite a bit different from the other group work I have done in the MET program. Most group projects resulted in websites


A look at my groups process while creating the project.

and/or presentations, this on the other hand was a paper. Which meant that we had to use more true collaboration, then cooperation (see my collaboration stop motion for an explanation of the difference.) I worried this type of group work would be very tricky! I was wrong. We all pulled together and had great communication, which I have come to see as the key to success with online group work. Another reason this project was very different from the others is that it was more strongly connected to the business world then the world of education. While I much prefer the education side, it was very interesting and I learnt a lot. In the end the paper came together quite smoothly.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization of Canada is a non-profit organization that provides mentoring programs for youth in Canada. The organization is governed at each local agency by a Board of Directors, while the day to day programming is carried out by an Executive Director who manages program staff and volunteers. The organization would benefit from a Learning Management System to provide training, development and orientation for BBBSC’s staff, volunteers and board members.  BBBSC operates on a stringent budget and handles sensitive information. The organization values the time and resources of its sponsors, volunteers, staff, and board members and is seeking an affordable and secure platform for providing ongoing training and development. A LMS will help  BBBSC to develop and demonstrate practices that are sustainable for program growth and funding in the future. Given the opportunity to assess Moodle, WordPress, and Eliademy, Eliademy is the strongest LMS that best meets the needs of BBBSC. 

ETEC 565 – Platform Evaluation for a Community Organization



ETEC 512 – Website: Situated and Distributed Learning Project

This website was created for the ETEC512 Learning Conferences. It was (and still is) intended to help educators take a “traditional” lesson plan of their choosing and integrate situated and distributed learning principles.  It acts like a step by step guide to improving your lesson. Ideally, upon completion of this online module, you will be able to: 

  • Create or update a lesson plan that incorporates situated learning and distributed cognitionplan-clipart-clipart-pencil-checklist
  • Become familiar with the theory of situated learning and distributed cognition
  • Understand the role virtual realities or simulations can play in education
  • Understand the role social media can play in education
  • Understand how you can use PBL in your lessons
  • Understand how case studies can be used in education
  • Contribute to discussions and resource collection using social media

ETEC 510 – Website: Aboriginal Culture IN Canadian Society

I have found memories of creating this website with my group members, we had a good working relationship that allowed each of us to use our strength to put together a high quality product in the end. Just like in basketball, all of the players are different, they all bring different things to the table. The best basketball teams are the ones with players that have different abilities and skills. This project probably fits best with the basketball metaphor, it felt like a team. The site encourages you to spend time talking about Aboriginal Canadians, their cultures, the importance of preserving their cultures, languages and heritage, and the historical injustices they have endured, from treaties to residential schools. We specifically, made a unit plan designed to address Aboriginal culture. One of my main roles was to develop the lesson on cultural appropriation. I really enjoyed developing it for two reasons. First now that I work in student services I rarely get to make lesson plans and while I do not miss marking I actually do miss lesson planning. Second, I feel like cultural appropriation is a very relevant topic. It is very current and touches on a lot of topics that are important to today’s youth (sports, music, fashion.) 

ResourcesAb Can Society WebCan culture be killed