Caitlin's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Tag: Online School

In the Woods Adaptation Questions

1.What adaptations allow them to survive in their environment? List several structures and explain how the structure allows the organism to survive and thrive in its environment. You will need to do some research.

Roly-Poly bugs, also known as Armadillidium vulgare, have an exoskeleton with plates, which are used as a layer of protection. Roly-Poly bugs also use odor to defend themselves. Armadillidium vulgare are cold-blooded and sensitive to light, humidity, and quick temperature changes. They can die if left out in the sun too long. They prefer dark and moist areas.

Roly-Poly Bug Facts (




1. Where is the original (native) habitat of this species located?

The canary reed grass, originated in Europe, Asia, and North America.

2. How was this species first introduced into foreign habitats?

The grass was planted widely for forage and erosion control. It also spreads easily.

3. Provide at least one reason for why this species has flourished in its new habitat.

The canary reed does well in wet habitats like stream banks.

4. Provide some detail as to how this species is causing ecological harm in its introduced habitat.

The plant displaces native wetland species and can also increase flooding by clogging waterways. Reed Canary grass is invasive to native grasses that they out-compete in only 5 to 6 months of introduction.

5. List two methods used to try to control this invasive species.

The reed canary grass can be dug up, getting the root system out of the ground to prevent resprouting. Another way is if you have a big group of the grass you can burn the plant, this technique may need a few annual burnings before it becomes more controlled.

The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian – Final Project

This is my final project English 9, The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian

Silver Lining From Covid-19


With the corona virus going around the world, I have had a lot of extra time on my hands. I have done some drawing, writing, and I have been playing sports outside in the nice weather. We just started doing online school this week and it has been hard to get used to it. I can’t ask the teacher any questions face to face, but the longer we do our learning online, the more comfortable we will be using it.

Other then my classes I don’t have anything to do. I try to fill that time up with more artistic or active activities. I like to draw when I have the chance. I usually use a reference photo to help. I have drawn things like my friends bitmoji’s and some of my story characters. Another activity I have been doing is writing stories. Me and my cousins have been starting to be writing a book. We are writing the book as a sci-fi/fantasy. We are mostly still in the planning stage and doing a small amount of the writing.

You never know who has the coronavirus, so we must stay away from anyone and everyone. Every time I go outside, I must be aware of anyone around me. Sometimes playing on the street can be so frustrating that I have stop in the middle of a game every 2 minutes to let a person past, can make me a bit ticked off. But to be honest, being at home all the time has helped me to learn more about cooking and appreciate having the chance to just walk out the front door and be able to go outside. Some countries aren’t even supposed to go outside their home other then going to the grocery store, which most people only go about once a week. I am writing this, and I am feeling a lot more aware of how lucky we are for only having 1975 cases in the British Columbia (as of the April 22). We can’t go to school or play organized sports, but we can still go outside our houses at any time that we would like.

This pandemic has not been fun, but it has had it good parts. Like making noise at 7 pm with my neighbors, to learning how to bake and cook. It has been an experience and will stick with me as I grow older.

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