Caitlin's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Tag: 2022-2023

Born a Crime Interactive Project

This is the final project to wrap up our novel study Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime. There are five interactive dot which you can open to learn more about the book and the connections I made.

Accounting 12: Core Competency Self-Assessment

Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

My Desmos Project Link

My Project


Original Photo

How you figured out what equations to use.

My image had many linear lines in it, like on the Wands and Crowns. I I worked on those first because I find linear lines easiest to do. Once I finished them, I started to place my 10 types of function: Absolute Value, Polynomial, Rational, Radical, Trigonometric, Exponential, Logarithmic, Sideways Parabolas, Semicircles, and Ellipses. Knowing that I had at least one of each function, I worked on all the other lines.

It was mostly trial and error, while trying to figure out which type of line would fit the best. My choices didn’t always work the first time so I moved to a different function.

Did you have any challenges?

I had troubles at the start, trying to figure out how to fill in with colour. I have a few functions which the X and Y are switched. So when filling in these ones I would have to fill using x and not y. But it took me a while to understand why the area was not filling.

Any aha moments?

When I was about half way finished, Julia and Alexandra told me that I wasn’t doing my whole project right. They explained to me that I wasn’t writing my functions properly. I was writing them like

j1=(x-1)   And   j2=1/2(x-1)^2

But they said that I was actually supposed to write base functions and transform those. Like:

A1=x    A2=x^2

After finding this out, I went through all of my functions and changed them, which was easy, but took me a while to do.

Did you get help?

I had lots of help from Julia. We worked on our projects together a couple of times. But she really helped me by pointing out that I should be writing my functions in expanded form, because I had been writing in standard form. This was the best thing that she said to me because I would have really struggled through the whole project if I was writing in standard form.

Did you use any strategies?

Whenever I finished a section of the photo, I would fill it in with colour, as a way to show myself how much I have accomplished. This helped me to be more motivated, since there were many times when I didn’t want to work on the project. But by just filling in a section, it made me feel like I was make progress.

How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations?

Working on this project really helped me to understand how even the smallest of transformations make all the difference. It also helped me as a way to practice and study for my Pre-Clac 12 Final.


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