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Accounting 12: Core Competency Self-Assessment

English 10 Core Competency


Chrysalids X-men Character Origin Story Comic

A comic nine panel, comic strip about Joseph form The Chrysalids becoming a X-Men style villain.

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What I Learned About Grade 9 Linear Relations


What is a Linear Relation?

A linear Relation is a pattern that goes up or down by the same amount every time.


How to Find the Rule for a Pattern?

When trying to find the rule for a pattern you need to look for how much the y list is going up or down by. If it was going up by +4 then it would be multiplied by x, to become 4x=y. But that wouldn’t equal 5. So, to get it to 5 we will have to add +1 to the equation. It should look like this 4x+1=y. now you can use this equation to keep the pattern going.


How to Plot a Point?

When you have numbers on either side of the T-chart you could be able to plot them on a graph. The number under x will determine where the along the x-axes you dot will go. Same for the y, it will determine how high up the dot will be.



How to Graph a Linear Relation?

The coordinates on your t-chart should make a straight line when all placed on a graph.


How to Graph Vertical and horizontal lines?

To create a straight line all you need is a number=x or a number=y. If you want it to go up and down 3 to the right of zero, then you would put 3=x. Same thing would happen with y but it would go across.








  • X axes: The horizontal line on a graphing chart
  • Y axes: The vertical line on a graphing chart
  • T-chart: The chart you put your coordinates into to help organize and come up with an equation.
  • Coordinate: The location your plot is on the graph. An example of a coordinate is (2,4)
  • Origin: It is a fixed place on the graph, aka the middle of the graph or (0,0).
  • Plotting: To put your coordinates on a graph
  • Linear pattern: When your coordinates have a pattern going up or down and it looks like a slanted straight line.
  • Increasing pattern: When your pattern goes up
  • Decreasing pattern: When your pattern goes down
  • Horizontal line: The X-axis/the line that goes across
  • Vertical line: The Y-axis/the line that goes up and down
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Silver Lining From Covid-19


With the corona virus going around the world, I have had a lot of extra time on my hands. I have done some drawing, writing, and I have been playing sports outside in the nice weather. We just started doing online school this week and it has been hard to get used to it. I can’t ask the teacher any questions face to face, but the longer we do our learning online, the more comfortable we will be using it.

Other then my classes I don’t have anything to do. I try to fill that time up with more artistic or active activities. I like to draw when I have the chance. I usually use a reference photo to help. I have drawn things like my friends bitmoji’s and some of my story characters. Another activity I have been doing is writing stories. Me and my cousins have been starting to be writing a book. We are writing the book as a sci-fi/fantasy. We are mostly still in the planning stage and doing a small amount of the writing.

You never know who has the coronavirus, so we must stay away from anyone and everyone. Every time I go outside, I must be aware of anyone around me. Sometimes playing on the street can be so frustrating that I have stop in the middle of a game every 2 minutes to let a person past, can make me a bit ticked off. But to be honest, being at home all the time has helped me to learn more about cooking and appreciate having the chance to just walk out the front door and be able to go outside. Some countries aren’t even supposed to go outside their home other then going to the grocery store, which most people only go about once a week. I am writing this, and I am feeling a lot more aware of how lucky we are for only having 1975 cases in the British Columbia (as of the April 22). We can’t go to school or play organized sports, but we can still go outside our houses at any time that we would like.

This pandemic has not been fun, but it has had it good parts. Like making noise at 7 pm with my neighbors, to learning how to bake and cook. It has been an experience and will stick with me as I grow older.

Currents in the Kitchen – Results

For the exeriments, me and two other classmates of mine only got to test out two different fruits(Apple and Orange), because we were not at school the day we originally did the experiment. we also didn’t get to try to use the fruits to power a light bulb.

What kind of Circuit will produce electron flow in your fruit cell?

I am pretty sure that the type of circuit that would make electron flow in the cell is a closed circuit.

If your bulb doesn’t glow, how can you find out if electrons are flowing?

You can tell if you just hook the cords up to a voltmeter.

If your bulb doesn’t glow, why not?

I am make an educated guess and am going to say that the reason is because you fruit or vegetable is not producing electricity.

What is causing electrons to flow in this experiment?

The electrons from the fruit juice are guided by the copper to the wire, which is hooked up to the voltmeter. The electrons go through the volt meter and come out the other wire and is guided back to the fruit by the nail. This causes the circuit to become a closed circuit.

How can I use this in my everyday life?

If I become absolutely desperate in a power outage and I need some form of light and my phone and flashlights are all dead then I would be able to power a light bulb with a fruit or vegetable.

Currents from the Kitchen – Preditions

I think that a potato would make the biggest electric charge, because they contain the high amounts of electrolytes, and is known for powering clocks.

TOKTW 2019

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This contraption goes under the water and the 6 capsules on the sides open up and suck in water samples.

This is the lab that my Mom used to work at when I was younger.


During our tour the group was allowed to go onto the roof of the 29 floor building.



The tour also lead us to the sever room where all of the memory from the company gets stored.

PoCo-Opolis 500

This is Alexis and my Video Lab from the PoCo-Opolis challenge we did in science class.

Elecricity (Mind Map)

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Questions About Electricity

  1. What is the difference between Ac and DC circuits?
  2. What would happen if the world just had no electricity?
  3. How did someone come up with the idea of electricity in the first place?
  4. What would happen if the power went out for everyone in the world at the same time?
  5. Why did people over the years make electricity in the first place?
  6. Why is electricity able to kill you when struck by lightning
  7. how does electricity get your heart started using a defibrillator?



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